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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

overlap/combined: 1. enter 5 n. court street and veer to the right hand side of the building on the first floor. going to the right will send you to killer tomato, and going upstairs will take you to kinkos (right?). 2. stand in line to view items. cutting in line will probably result in an undesireable altercation, and not standing in line will make the employees of peking think you are not eating and they will noit take your order. for those who speak chinese: 3. read chinese menu on the wall (which changes according to daily specials). reading the american menu will get you pre-prepared food that is not as tasty or fresh. 4. you may order off the menu or ask for a specialized meal according to your preferences. 5. you may skip the line to place your order and pay. speak in chinese with the employee to let them know you understand the menu and food you can order. 6. pay for your meal, and if you choose to buy it you can get your soda. if you choose not to buy the soda you can get a cup of water. 7. pick up a pair of chopsticks. the forks are for those who do not know how to use chopsticks. 8. choose a seat within the restaurant to sit. sit in a chair at a table. or if you are taking your food to go, exit out the front doors. 9. sit by fellow chinese speakers and students. do not join english speakers and begin speaking chinese. this would be very awkward. 10. wait patiently for your food to be brought to you, this will take longer as it is made to order. do not eat others food, and do not not harass the employees about the status of your food as this may result in unsavory additions to your meal without your knowledge. 11. thank the deliverer and enoy your meal! for those who do not speak chinese: 3. order the buffet. speak in english so the employees know you will want the food you can see and that you wont be ordering from the menu written in chinese. 4. point to rice or noodles. if you want both, say "both". 5. point to 3 entree choices that look yummy. 6. if you dont order the buffet, you can point to a picture that us above the counter for a more fresh meal. but, if you would prefer to avoid the awkwardness of trying to explain the meal you want with a language and cultural barrier, just order the buffet with items you can just point at. 7. once you receive your meal at the counter, pay the cashier $4.50. wait for change if necessary. pay for a soda as well if you prefer this over water. 8. get a cup and a fork. you will probably embarass yourself and make a mess on your clothes if you try to use the chopsticks and dont know how. 9. put ice in your cup and fill it with soda if you paid for it, fill it with water if you didnt. dont try to trick the employees and get soda when you didnt pay for it. they know the diffent sounds associated with pouring water from a pitcher and getting soda from a fountain. trust me on this one! 10. find a seat. americans tend to take their food to go or sit in the common court area away from the restaurant. do not try to sit with and join in on chinese conversations. overlap/combined: 1. after paying you may take a fortune cookie and read your fortune after you eat your meal. eat the entire cookie before reading your fortune or it wont be true! 2. after you have finished, you are expected to clean up after yourself by taking up your tray and food. i expanded on a few of these a little bit... if you guys dont like them feel free to go with what dani wrote before. it was pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. i dont know why it didnt separate my paragraphs, or why it did funky things with the text color. we can fix it before we turn in the final
